Reflecting on 2022: An Interview With Nice Co-Founder, Allison Santos

Reflecting on 2022: An Interview With Nice Co-Founder, Allison Santos

Happy New Year! January first marks a new year and oftentimes a reset and a fresh start. However, it also calls for reflections and looking back at the last year and seeing what we learned, the hardships and how we can use those for the betterment of 2022.

We sat down with Allison Santos, Vice President of Engagement at Nice Healthcare, to discuss and reflect on 2021 and what 2022 may have in store for the industry and Nice. 

If you could sum up 2021 in less than 20 words, what would you say? 

2021 brought new team members, clients, opportunities, and newly achieved milestones. It was a prodigious year! 

What were you most proud of in 2021? 

In 2021 we saw great success and growth at Nice. Each win takes a village, and every team member’s contributions help us reach our goals. The one monumental achievement that stands out most to me is a very significant financial milestone that couldn't have been possible without every team's efforts at Nice. This milestone really demonstrated the creativity and valuable input everyone has brought to Nice.

How did the end of 2020 compare to the end of 2021? 

The uncertainty about COVID that remained at the end of 2020 impacted employers in two ways. Some were not able to commit to adding Nice due to the uncertainty of what 2021 would bring. For those who added Nice or already had Nice, they were losing employees due to layoffs and budget cuts. Despite that fact, many employers still saw the value in providing a benefit like Nice that could serve their employees right where they were and help solve for the cost constraints of the healthcare system which caused avoidance of care altogether. 

This year, while there's still uncertainty about COVID, employers have demonstrated that they can more confidently make healthcare spending decisions, such as including Nice in their employee benefits.

Employers recognize that they need to invest in their workforce and be creative when it comes to attracting and retaining employees. Even with the unknown of 2022, employers are prepared to invest in their teams and their health; they are excited and we can feel their enthusiasm. 

What are three things you're looking forward to in 2022? 

There’s so much that we want and hope to see happen in 2022 for the industry, but when it comes to Nice, three things that I’m most looking forward to are: 

  • Meeting new employees who join Nice and building deeper relationships with employees who already work here. Each team member brings something to the table that will help Nice grow. It’s amazing to witness pieces of the puzzle come together and to learn from other team members. 

  • Expanding Nice Healthcare’s reach to make Nice available to even more deserving patients. So many people need our care, and as we expand our presence, more organizations will be able to offer Nice to their populations. 

  • Investing in the development of improved processes and products that will help improve the client and employee experience with Nice. Our goal is to make our processes as seamless as possible, so when the time comes for a patient, partner, vendor etc. to interact with Nice, we can fire on all cylinders and add a little something ‘Nice’ to their day. Pun intended!

What trends in healthcare do you expect to see next year?

I think it goes without saying that virtual care is here to stay, and will continue becoming a bigger player in the healthcare space. That said, I also feel that the first point of care for acute and primary care needs will be virtual. At Nice, we’ve seen how effective this is, and it will benefit members having virtual care become the standard way to access healthcare both from a cost and a convenience standpoint. This should increase efficiency for other clinics as it has for ours, which could reasonably help curb costs. Whether that will happen is to be determined.

Another trend I expect to see is a rise in care models like Nice. More companies like ours will pop up - servicing patients in their homes will continue to be an evolving model of care. People prefer the convenience of care in their own home, especially now with the uncertainty of COVID going into 2022, but I do not think this trend will falter. If anything, we will see more and more organizations offering their workforces care via Nice. Think of all of the other services that come to us at home, why would the future of healthcare look any different?

What is next for Nice Healthcare? 

Nice will persevere in our mission to make healthcare more affordable and accessible by bringing our services to new geographies so that an ever increasing number of patients can gain access to quality primary care, physical therapy and mental health therapy. 

To learn more about how Nice can help you keep your workforce’s health and wellness as a top priority, and improve employee recruitment, retention and productivity, contact us here.


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