5 Tips For Back To School Health

5 Tips For Back To School Health

It’s that time of year again: summer vacation’s over, and the kids are going back to school. 

And of course, you want to do everything you can to protect your children’s health and help them have the best year possible. But with an already packed schedule, a long to-do list, and the first day of school right around the corner, you may be wondering where to start.

To help ease the transition, we’ve created a handy checklist to help you set your family up for success. Read on for some back to school health tips, plus a list of essentials to keep on hand for when your children bring home a cough, fever, or stomach bug along with their homework.

Tips for Back to School Health

Get up to date on vaccinations

Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to fight disease, so making sure your children are up to date is one of the best ways to protect their health. Our clinicians may provide education regarding vaccination schedule(s) and the importance of vaccinations based on evidence-based research. Our clinicians have the ability to write an order for the vaccine(s) that your child may need or they may provide education on where to receive vaccinations given the fact that Nice does not currently offer vaccinations. 

It’s also important to get a flu shot before the peak season starts in the fall. This small preventive measure can go a long way in keeping your whole family healthy. 

Practice Good Hygiene

Bringing hundreds of kids together under one roof creates a breeding ground for germs. So teach your children to wash their hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds throughout the day, especially before lunch, after recess, or when using the restroom. Singing the happy birthday song twice is a good reference for reaching 20 seconds. 

Other helpful tips include teaching your kids to cover their mouths with their inner elbow (not their hands, which can spread more germs) and staying away from others who are sick. Make sure they know to avoid sharing food, drinks, hairbrushes, combs, hats, and other items like lip balm or hair accessories to avoid germs and lice. When it comes to lice, watch your children for excessive head-scratching or tiny white particles, which could be signs of a lice infestation.

Prepare Healthy Meals

Eating healthy can be a challenge when you’re busy. But a little planning goes a long way and getting the kids involved will help you save time (and have more fun!) 

Creating a week-long lunch plan will keep you ahead of the game. Prepare a main course for each day of the week, such as turkey sandwiches or weekend dinner leftovers, and pair it with easy sides like yogurt, veggie sticks, or fruit. 

Foods like hard-boiled eggs, chicken salad, or tuna salad are easy to incorporate into multiple meals. Make wraps and/or pair with sliced veggies.

Prioritize Sleep

It can be challenging to adjust your schedule after summer vacation. But setting an earlier bedtime and sticking to it before the first day of school will help you settle into the routine and get better sleep, which helps your immune system fight infection

How much sleep you need depends on your age, and younger children may need up to 12 hours a night. So set an early bedtime and stick to it. Moving your child’s bedtime up in smaller increments over the weeks before school starts can help you get used to turning in earlier.   

Reduce Stress and Back-to-School Jitters

It’s normal to be nervous about the first day of school. But too much anxiety and stress can weaken the immune system, increasing your risk of infection. So teach your kids to manage or channel their stress with physical activities, such as walking, bike-riding, or even coloring in a coloring book. Getting the whole family involved can make these activities fun as well as cathartic. 

If your child’s starting at a new school, attend any open-house events and take a tour. This will familiarize your child with the school’s layout and reduce first-day fear and feeling overwhelmed. 

Prepare for the Inevitable Cold or Flu 

American kids catch 6-10 colds a year on average. So while prevention is the best medicine, your child may still get sick at some point–and it’s a good idea to be prepared ahead of time.

A few things to keep on hand are:

  1. At-home Covid tests 

  2. Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen 

  3. Gummy vitamins (or any vitamins your child will take willingly!)

  4. Pepto Bismol

  5. Gummy probiotics for more help with stomach issues

  6. Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes lost due to illness

  7. Cough drops or age-appropriate lozenges

  8. Age-appropriate thermometer

  9. Antiseptic spray and wipes

  10. And of course, DVDs or streaming services for family movie night!

This back to school health checklist will set you and your family up for great health all year long. And if you need a sports physician, annual exam, step throat exam, or treatment for cold or flu symptoms, Nice’s clinicians can give the help you need from the comfort of your home.

While getting an appointment at a traditional medical office may mean long wait times and costly out-of-pocket fees, at Nice, you can schedule a visit conveniently through our app, and we’ll get you in quickly–often on the same day. 

If you’re a patient looking for more information on our comprehensive in-person and virtual primary care services, visit our patient page

If you’re an employer who would like to learn more about supporting your employees’ health this back-to-school season, visit our employer page.


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