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8 Clinician Tips for Getting Through Allergy Season

Spring is upon us, and while the blooming flowers and warmer weather bring joy to many, for some, it's also the season of sneezing, itchy eyes, and congestion. Yes, allergy season is here again! But fear not, because we asked our clinical team for their best advice, tips and tricks that they and their patients use to manage allergy season. Let's take a look:

1. Know Your Triggers

Identify your environmental triggers and take proactive measures to avoid or limit your exposure to them. Awareness is key to managing your allergies effectively. These can include:

  • Dust

  • Animal dander

  • Feathers

  • Mildew

  • Pollen

  • Mold spores

2. Stay Informed with Pollen Count

Monitor pollen counts in your area online and adjust your medication regimen accordingly. Being proactive based on pollen trends can help you stay ahead of allergy symptoms. Your phone’s weather app should tell you how prominent allergens are on a day-to-day basis.

3. Use Antihistamines Consistently and Proactively

Don't just rely on a one-time dose of antihistamines. Start taking allergy medications 2-3 weeks before allergy season hits to prepare your body for the onslaught of allergens. Take them daily during allergy season to maintain relief and manage symptoms effectively.

4. Use Nasal Spray The Right Way

Just shove it in your nose and squeeze, right? Not so fast… There is a correct way to use a nasal spray and it can help increase its effectiveness. Check out this helpful video from Mayo Clinic on the proper technique.

5. Pay Attention to your Air Filters

  • While ultra-filtering HEPA filters sound appealing, be cautious about using them in home HVAC systems as they can strain the unit. Instead, use HEPA filters in vacuum cleaners to effectively trap allergens.

  • Keep your indoor air clean by changing out air filters regularly, especially during allergy season. This simple step can make a big difference in reducing allergens circulating in your home.

  • Have your vents cleaned out professionally to ensure optimal air quality in your home and minimize allergen buildup.

  • Consider investing in air purifiers, especially for your bedroom, to further reduce allergens indoors.

6. Keep Your Home Clean

Dust and vacuum your home frequently during allergy season, and consider switching out fabric curtains for blinds. 

If you have pets that go outdoors, wash their beds, pillows, and other belongings frequently to prevent them from bringing outdoor triggers indoors.

7. Try Local Honey

Harness the power of local honey (produced within 20 miles of your home), known for its potential to help build resistance to pollen allergies. Incorporate it into your daily routine to potentially alleviate symptoms.

8. Pre-Vent Car Inhalation

Before getting into your car, allow the vents to blow for 3-5 minutes to reduce inhalation of pollen and dust that may have settled inside.

With these tips in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to tackle allergy season head-on and enjoy the beauty of spring without the discomfort of allergies. Remember, everyone's allergy triggers and responses are unique, so don't hesitate to consult with a Nice clinician for personalized advice and treatment options.

Here's to a sniffle-free spring!